We have several giving options. Which one is right for you?
Sponsor a Child
You can dramatically change a child’s life forever through sponsorship. You can sponsor a child by committing to a monthly donation of $100 or share the sponsorship of the child with two other families or individuals by committing to a donation of $30 a month. Scroll down to give through our secure online form.
Support a Row
For less than what it costs to educate one child in a Philadelphia public school, you can fund an entire row of students at a Jubilee school. With a gift of $6,000, you can support 5 students. Scroll down to give through our secure online form.
Support a Class
An average Jubilee scholarship is about $1,200. With a gift of $24,000, you can support an entire class of students for one full school year. That’s 20 students who might otherwise not get a chance to attend a Jubilee school. Scroll down to give through our secure online form.